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感觉自己也太幸运了吧!昨天晚上回去把四大名著翻了一下,那本红楼梦,有一年暑假在电视上看了让人如痴如醉的,可迷金陵十二钗了,我记得我还画了那个王熙凤的衣服用的丙烯颜料。真是天助我也。刚好今天的作文给的材料就是四大名著,我果断写了红楼梦赏析,“尔今死去侬收葬,未卜侬身何日丧?侬今葬花人笑痴,他年葬侬知是谁?”这句太伤感了,黛玉的那种寄人篱下,就像这花一样,这句我早就在脑海里扎根了一样,脑海里都是黛玉我见优伶的样子。妙笔生花,很快就写完了,思路清晰,行云流水。美滋滋,看下午的英语朗诵的了,又给冯懿顺了几遍,还是感觉可奇怪,一个故事,我就是讲不出来这个感觉,he wanted to marry his daughter to the greatest person in the world. but, who was the greatest person in the world?

oh! the sun! he must be the greatest person in the world.

the mouse father went to talk to the sun.

“hello! mr. sun. i know you are the greatest person in the world.

would you marry my daughter?”

“what? i’m not the greatest person in the world. the greatest person is the cloud.

if he comes out, i’ll be covered.”

the mouse father went to talk to the cloud.

“hello! mr. cloud. i know you are the greatest person in the world.

would you marry my daughter?”

“what? i’m not the greatest person in the world. the greatest person is the wind.

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