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if he comes out, i’ll be blown away.”

the mouse father went to talk to the wind.

“hello! mr. wind. i know you are the greatest person in the world.

would you marry my daughter?”

“what? i’m not the greatest person in the world. the greatest person is the wall.

if he comes out, i’ll be stopped.”

the mouse father went to talk to the wall.

“hello! mr. wall. i know you are the greatest person in the world.

would you marry my daughter?”

“what? i’m not the greatest person in the world. the greatest person is you, the mouse.”

“the greatest person in the world is … mouse。到这,冯懿:“语气加重点,进入到那个语境里,感觉,”是的,这个世界上最伟大的就你你们老鼠自己。冯懿越教我我心越慌,越来越紧张,主要是我这个太简单了,如果还读不好,很容易叫人听出来笑话我的,紧张死了,冯懿说“知道着急了吧,平时不好好学,一会儿上去可别怂,丢人。”我一听这话就来气,我:“我不着急,我怂什么啊我,我才不怕。”确定有点紧张,就跟我蹲下跑100米等待哨声的那种感觉,害怕。腿就一直抖,冯懿说:“你咋还抖了,你怕啥,平时当全校人演讲的时候也没见你这样啊。我不是给你顺好几遍了,你可以的。”到了下午,我去抽了个号33号,还好,不是特别前也不靠后。回到班里,同学问我抽了多少号,我说33,小米:“可以呀,姐妹,手气挺好的啊,三班有几个人抽的都是前十,给她们急的。”小米:“我们几个回去给你加油打气的,加油哦。”好正规啊,很大的一个会议室,整个气氛很静,偶尔翻纸的声音。大家都这么熟希自己的稿子吗?我看都没有几个人在翻稿,心里可没底,一共就来了70多个人参赛,我扭头往后几排看了看,看见了小米,大格还有那几个可皮的同学,居然还有冯懿,他是来看我笑话的吧!


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